United Way 211
211 Helpline
211 is a United Way program that provides free information and referral to health and human service agencies within Lee, Hendry, and Glades Counties. Clients can call and receive information and referrals appropriate to their needs.
To use the 211 services, just dial 2-1-1 or search our database of providers online. United Way 211 is for non-emergency assistance only. In these cases, 211 can be reached in Lee, Hendry, and Glades Counties at (239) 433-3900.
Lee, Hendry, Glades 211
Help Starts Here
211 is an easy-to-remember three-digit telephone number that connects callers to a comprehensive helpline for information and referrals to health and human service organizations within Lee, Hendry, and Glades counties. Knowing where to begin is the first step to getting the help you need.
EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY, SOMEONE IN OUR COMMUNITY IS SEARCHING FOR HELP OR SERVICES – housing, food, financial assistance, relief from abuse, family issues, depression, childcare, etc., but navigating the maze of city, state and non-profit agencies can be overwhelming and confusing.
United Way 211 is the community’s central point of entry into the health and human services system. Dialing 211 is a way for people who need help to get connected with the community service providers that can help them. Calls to 211 Helpline are free, confidential, and 24/7.
211 is a nationally recognized number. Simply dial 2-1-1 to be connected to resources in your area.

Go to 211 Database now

Submit Resources
Thank you for your interest in including your services in the 211 Database. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our 211 Resource Department by email .