About Us
We Are Local, Accountable, Efficient & Effective
Mission Statement
United Way of Lee, Hendry, and Glades is a volunteer driven organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for all people in our community. This is accomplished through fundraising, fund distribution, community building, volunteer advancement, and information and referral.
United Way of Lee, Hendry, and Glades is a volunteer driven organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for all people in our community. This is accomplished through fundraising, fund distribution, community building, volunteer advancement, and information and referral.
United Way’s expertise is in uniting the community, problem solving, and driving collective action to amplify the power of the individual and achieve what no one person or organization can achieve alone.
When you invest in our community through United Way, you do more than you could do alone. Your contribution is combined with thousands of others, magnifying and multiplying the power of your gift. There is no single gift that provides as many health and human services, right here in our community, as your gift to our United Way.

Our United Way supports a local human service network of 96 agencies/initiatives and over 260 programs that create change. Your contribution to United Way is the easiest and most powerful way to help people right here in our community to lead better lives.
You can make a difference when you show your support of United Way. You can help people get the services they need by spreading the word about United Way 211 and the United Way Resiliency Hubs. Helping people find the services they need through the United Way is a powerful way to improve lives in our community.
Discover the reward of volunteering through the United Way Volunteer Center. Whether an individual, a family, or a company, the United Way Volunteer Center can help connect you to the appropriate organization within the amount of time you have available. Opportunities for one time projects or ongoing service are available.
Guiding Principles
- Maintain the highest integrity and ethical standards.
- Maximize resource development activities and achieve the annual campaign goal.
- Maintain the fiscal responsibility of the organization and be accountable to the community for every dollar raised and spent.
- Allocate United Way resources to local human service programs and initiatives so as to achieve the greatest positive impact.
- Be a leader in identifying critical and emerging social service problems and serve as a catalyst in developing the most coordinated, effective and efficient human service delivery system to solve those problems.
- Work collaboratively with all groups to foster the idea of “Community” in its broadest sense.
- Develop strong positive partnerships with United Way agencies, programs and initiatives so that together we can make a difference in the lives of families, children, and individuals in our community.
- Recognize that the success of our United Way is directly dependent on our ability and the ability of our partners to recruit, maintain and motivate dedicated, enthusiastic and productive volunteers.
- Recognize the value of diversity and to be committed to promoting inclusion and diversity in all United Way activities.
- Educate the community about the positive impact of the United Way and the United Way network of partner programs and initiatives so that the United Way system is recognized as the best way to improve the quality of life in our community.
Our History
Our United Way has a long and proud history of serving our community. In 1957, a handful of women and men decided Fort Myers needed an organized way to help those in need. A caring community agreed and worked together to make it happen. They formed the organization that you now know as United Way of Lee, Hendry, and Glades.
Our United Way began as a grassroots, volunteer driven, neighbor helping neighbor movement that solves community problems and we continue with that same philosophy today. Thanks to your generosity, your caring and your commitment, the United Way of today is a vital and growing organization and your contributions support an entire network of programs working together to improve the quality of life in our community for everyone.