In-Kind Donations
The Purpose of Gifts In-Kind
United Way of Lee, Hendry, and Glades' United Gifts in Kind (GIK) provides nonprofit, 501(c)(3), health & human services organizations in Lee, Hendry, and Glades Counties with access to quality in-kind goods. GIK acts as a liaison between local and national donors and participating agencies. The purpose of GIK is to assist agencies in leveraging their dollars while providing donors with an outlet for distributing surplus and increasing their contribution and support of the local community.
Donations distributed through GIK are acquired through:
- Solicitation from local companies and community members. Outreach to potential donors, particularly those with items most needed by member agencies, is done by GIK staff in an attempt to provide the most savings and valuable products to agencies.
- Relationships with national organizations such as Good360.

Benefits to Nonprofits
The United Gifts in Kind program provides access to thousands of dollars of donated goods to nonprofit, 501(c)(3), health & human services agencies each year. These goods include, but are not limited to, furniture, personal care items, household goods, office equipment, and supplies, etc.
Click button to get instructions on how to register to view all items & reserve products
Must be a nonprofit agency.
Benefits to Donors
United Gifts in Kind allows donors to expand their philanthropic support of the community by providing donors with an opportunity to donate surplus goods to approved nonprofits that will, in turn, provide the goods at no cost to their clients.
Donors will receive documentation detailing the contribution made to United Gifts in Kind and the recipient agency (this documentation can be used for tax purposes). United Way of Lee, Hendry, and Glades' United Way Gifts in Kind provides continual assistance to both the donor and the recipient agency through all stages of the donation process and keeps detailed records on all donations.
NOTE: GIK will not typically seek out or accept medical supplies, food items, or large appliances. Due to space limitations, we may not always be able to accept all donations but will work to connect donors to other community resources.

How to Donate
When you invest in our community through United Way, you do more than you could do alone. Your contribution is combined with thousands of others, magnifying and multiplying the power of your gift. There is no single gift that provides as many health and human services, right here in our community, as your gift to our United Way.