To date, $7 million has been donated to Hurricane Ian Relief. This includes donations through Collaboratory, grants, and special funding.
$2,945,768 in funding to 165 agencies and programs to help survivors and provide services and resources.
$969,345 in gift cards to thousands of survivors to help with repairs, immediate needs, and replacement of essentials.
$1,194,444 in direct assistance to survivors to help with temporary shelter, repairs, immediate needs, and replacement of essentials.
$33,098,131 received in donated goods with $24,714,226 worth of building/construction supplies, furniture, apparel, home goods, school supplies, etc. distributed to community partners and thousands of households.
$10 million in additional donated goods received and distributed in cooperation with the State of Florida, Volunteer Florida, and Emergency Management.
$8.1 million impact in debris removal, muck and gut, repairs, and points of distribution by 15,418 volunteers with 257,369 volunteer hours tracked by the United Way Volunteer Center.